Tower 塔の中













Is this... the inside of the Tower? ここが…塔の中?
It's...a lot darker than I thought... 思ってたより暗いね…
… wait. Where's the sun? …あれ。太陽はどこ?
...user... Do you know what happened to the sun? …user…何が起きたか分かる?
…..... ……
…..user? ……user?
user?? user??
Come on, user... Say something! ねえuser…何か言ってよ!
user!!! user!!!
What's... going on...... 何が…起きてるの…


[Hello, Niko.] [こんにちは、ニコ]
H... hello... こ…こんにちは…
[Congratulations. You are now inside the Tower.] [おめでとう。キミは塔の中に入ったんだ]
Are you me, now? ボクに…話してるの?
[Correct.] [ああ]
But you were always talking to user before... 前はいつもuserに話しかけてたけど…
Where's … どこへ行ったの…
[user has already left.] [userはもういない]
[I had to resort to contacting you directly.] [キミに直接コンタクトせざるを得なかった]
Wait, so... user is gone, just like that? え、えっと…userはいなくなっちゃったの?
[Correct.] [ああ]
….for good? …もう会えないの?
[Correct.] [ああ]
[user has already finished their mission.] [userは既に使命を終えた]
[...and so have you, Niko.] […キミもだよ、ニコ]
[Here, you can rest now.] [さあ、休むんだ]
[Everything that's happened here is like a bad dream.] [ここでの出来事は全て悪い夢のようなものだ]
[When you wake up, you will be home.] [目が覚めたら家に戻っている]
Oh! ホントに!
But... でも…
[What's wrong?] [どうしたんだ?]
...I thought there'd be more to it, you know? …まだ終わっていないと思うんだ。でしょ?
I thought... we were supposed to go to the top of the Tower... …ボク達は塔の一番上にいくはずだったんだ…
I thought there was supposed to be somewhere we need to put the sun in. そこにはどこかに太陽を置く場所があるはずで、
And now... I don't even HAVE the sun anymore... だけど今は…太陽も持ってないし…
And user is just... gone... userも…いない…
This feels wrong! 何か変だよ!
[But you did good. You saved the world, Niko.] [だがキミはやったんだ。世界を救ったんだよ、ニコ]
[Are you not happy?] [嬉しくないのか?]
I guess I am... ボクは…
But … It's just... でも…それは…


...I never even got to say goodbye to user... …userにさよならも言えなかった…
----- -----
And as for you, user あなたもだ, user.
We're done here. ここで終わりだ
Please don't return to this world any more もうこの世界に戻ってこないでくれ