Shrimp swamp エビの沼地








I should be fine with this mask on. マスクをつければ大丈夫みたい。
---------jelly pond  
This pond sure looks different... この池は他のと違う…
The water looks like... jelly? 水が…ゼリー状?
It's formed a bubble over the surface of the pond 池の周りが泡でおおわれている。
+bottle +bottle
You want me to fill the bottle with this stuff. User? これをボトルに入れるの?
It's too gooey to fit in the bottle opening ドロドロしすぎて上手く入らないよ。
It's like that one time years ago when I tried to put tomato chowder in a baby bottle... 1年前、哺乳瓶にトマトチャウダーを入れようとした時みたい…
...and then it got everywhere! あの時はそこらじゅうに飛び散っちゃって!
On the table, on my clothes, on the baby, on the baby's clothes... テーブルや服、赤ちゃんと赤ちゃんの服にも…
The grown-ups thought it was hilarious. They took a bunch of pictures. 大人の人達は笑いながら写真を取ってたけど。
And then they taught me how to use funnels! それで漏斗の使い方を教えてもらったんだ!
And then they also told me I shouldn't try to babysit until I'm older. 赤ちゃんの面倒を見るのはまだ早いって言われたよ。
...anyway we should probably look for a funnel or something! …とにかく漏斗みたいなものを見つけないとね!
+bottle of somoke +bottle of somoke
You want me to fill the bottle with this stuff. User? これをボトルに入れるの?
Alright... lemme just take out the cork, and... わかった…とりあえずフタを開けて…
...all the smoke escaped. …煙が全部出ちゃった。
+empty syringe +empty syringe
So...we're filling up the syringe, user? えっと…注射器を使うのuser?
I guess it's kind of like a funnel... 漏斗の代わりになりそうだね…
But the liquid might be a bit too thick to fit in the needle... でもネバネバしててこの針で吸えるかどうか…
Hey, it actually went in! おー、吸えてる!
Gross. きもちわるい









-------vent on the ground  
This vent is on the ground! 煙の出口が地面にある!
All the others are taller than me. 他のはボクより背が高いのに。
+bottle +bottle
I guess you want me to fill the bottle with this gas, user? ガスをボトルに入れるの?user?
That oughta do it やらなきゃだめだよね。
+bottle of smoke +bottle of smoke
This bottle is already full of this smoke! 煙はもう入ってるよ!