Elevator Street エレベータストリート

Elevator Street





Anyway, it was nice meeting you..uh とにかく、あえて良かったよ、えーっと…
Niko! ニコ!
...Right. See you around, kid. …ああ、また。
Gotta run now! 急ぐからな!
He seems in a hurry 本当に忙しそうだね。
I guess we should hurry too. User. ボク達も急がないとね、user
People are counting on us! 皆が期待してるから!
Let's go find that library. 図書館を探そう。
[BEEP BOOP] [ビー ブー]
Beep boop. ビー ブー。
Sigh... はぁ…
You alright? 大丈夫?
Ah, the messiah. Perhaps this is a sign. 救世主様ですね。これは兆しか…。
Tell me, do you think you can fix the world with the sun? 教えてください。この世界は太陽で元に戻るのですか?
Honestly, I don't know... 正直なところ、分からないんだ…
I've been getting mixed messages... 色々な話を聞いてきたから…
I know. 分かっています。
But what do YOU think? しかし、あなたは、どう思いますか?
I...think... ボクは…
...I think I should listen to user! …userに聞くべきだと思う!
After all, user helped me get this far. userはずっとボクの助けになってくれた
I will take your faith for an answer, then.  
What do you mean by that?  
It means whatever you think it means.  
[Evening news! Evening news!] [イブニングニュース!イブニングニュース!]
[Are you here to purchase a copy?] [買いにきたのですか?]
...No? …ちがうよ?
Newspapers are for grown-ups! 新聞は大人の人の物だよ!
[Grown...ups?] [おと…な?]
Yeah! うん!
[What does that mean?] [どういう意味ですか?]
It means people who aren't kids! 子供じゃない人って意味!
[Kids?] [子供?]
...er...aren't you a kid? …キミは子供じゃないの?
[I am a robot.] [私はロボットです]
Ringht... そうだね…
[Evening news! Evening news!] [イブニングニュース!イブニングニュース!]
[Strange sounds have been reported from the slums,] [スラムで奇妙な音がしたとの報告がありました。]
[Their source is unknown.] [原因は分かっていません]
[These sounds have been described as “Faint bleating” by the area's residents.] [近くの住民によると”羊が鳴くような音”が聞こえたそうです]
Oh, hey there. やあ、こんにちは。
You have a lot of fish! 魚がいっぱいだね!
Yeah... I'm worried about them. うん…彼らのことが心配なんだ。
Oh? え?
I heard something about how the square particle stuff just took out a major pipeline. あの四角い破片が町の主要なパイプラインに現れたって聞いて…
I guess I should take advantage of the runnning water while I still can... 使えるうちは水道を使うべきだとは思うけど…
Nope... not looking forward to that water shortage. あぁ…水不足になったらどうしよう…